Friday, January 14, 2011

Drawing With Children

First, Donatello. Second, Spongebob Warriorpantses.
Spent some of the evening drawing with my buddy's kids. After I finished Donnie, I asked them what I should draw. They answered "A gun!" (See my TCC on this topic.) Then they amended "A big gun! Spongebob with a gun!"

How could I help but oblige them?
By me:

By Tyler:

So awesome.


  1. Ethan says:

    "I knew that guy who was so angry, that was sponge bob. And maybe someday at your house I can draw one"

    Ebie says:

    "That could be a possibility for so many happies forever."

  2. Thanks, Colin!

    Chris and Michelle: We should totally have you guys over soon to draw Spongebobs. We could possibly have so many happies. :)
