Hello reader(s). :) I'd like a word with you, if you would.
Right now I feel as though I'm looking at two doors, trying to pick between them.
I've really enjoyed keeping this blog updated regularly (more or less, time and life permitting), and drawing a lot more feels really good. Now, I've been a professional animator for the past five years, and during that time, I found I was drawing less and less, and I didn't like that. I've been drawing more for the past month and a half, and it's been great, but I haven't done any animation...and I can't say I miss it. Or maybe at least not yet, not like I missed drawing. So the two doors I'm talking about are a continued career in animation, and a new career as a concept artist. It'd be pretty much a career reboot, and if I can find me spot somewheres, I know I could rock some socks, especially over time.
I want to make the things that make me go "wow!" And that's usually concept art (I loved flipping through the concepts for Metroid Prime and Soul Calibur 2 when I unlocked them, and who doesn't like Craig Mullins' work for the Halo series? Crazy idiots, that's who.), and cinematic animation (and boy are they getting better every year! I'm looking at you, Uncharted, LA Noire, and inFAMOUS 2!).
Now, on to the art, which is really what this blog is for...
I saw a few clips of Jason Chan's tutorial videos on YouTube, and I got all inspired, so I decided I'm gonna play concept artist this week, using his process. An hour or so a day, with the goal of having a sweet finished concept done by Friday.
Day 1 progress: Happy with the visor shape. Need to figure out the rough a little more before I continue cleaning up the lines.

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