Sunday, January 30, 2011


Quick sketch of a muscle dude. I'll get back to that reaper once I can allocate some more time to work on him. Cutting together a new demo reel takes a lot of time when you've got hours of gameplay footage to sift through...gotta keep at it!...uh, just like this wrestler!


Dang, missed a day again. Here's a superhero! Or villain? Could go either way with this guy. I named him Datum. He's got like...binary magic or something going on, there.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Good Knight

I am so funny with my titles.

Here's a rough sketch of the knight I want to put at the feet of the giant dragon guy, waiting for him to remove the boulder and open the mystical hidden doorway...under a rock. Maybe a more dynamic pose is in order...but really, what do you do when you're waiting for a door to open?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Something Epic, Something Weird...

Two of my favorite things, here. Really silly, and really epic. Getting better at epic these days, which I really like. And the better I get at epic, the even more better I'll get at silly! Yay!

Though, this silly is a bit on the macabre side...
And I am totally painting this giant dragon guy after I finish the reaper. It simply must be done. Oh, and I haven't forgotten about my TMNT redesign. Just keeping things fresh.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Grimmer Still

Clouds! And finally a better hand pose. Just getting started on the figure again, but it's getting late and I want to take my darling wife out biking tomorrow morning. So this is all you're gettin'!

Monday, January 24, 2011

More Grimmer

Earth a splode.

I think the idea of a Volcano with three spires is way awesome. Yay for happy accidents! Posting now, so there's less of a jump between versions. Hmm...I'm losing my nice color contrast. Need to work some green back in there..maybe behind the reaper, in that big black area where nothing exists...


Taking it somewhere...still a work in progress. Trying to communicate that the reaper caused the mountains to split, or something else awesome. And trying to figure out how to make decent clouds. Also, if I'm gonna take this image seriously...I need to find a way to fit a briefcase in there.

Missed yesterday's post. I know, I'm sorry. Hopefully I can make it up to you all by making something really cool for you to look at...

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I'm glad I stayed up to start this. Updates in the next few days.

Found a neat fire tutorial.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Filler Day

Here's an old sketch that made me laugh. Mysterious!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hammerin' Sketch Group!

Fun night at Two Bells Tavern with some buds from the ol' Art Institute--a weekly ordeal I hope to partake in more regularly, if I can. I totally forgot to take home the cool pen Chiu gave me, though. Lame.

Here's my frankenbunny, the theme of the night. Finished off with a decent sketch: the Grim Dean. I think I'll see about coloring him...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mom says, "It's not cool to be rude."

Alas, not every drawing is a masterpiece. So, we'll call these "practice drawings." ;)

Some scribbles of Raph. I got a little impatient at the end, as it is now 12:46 on the morning of the next day, as is becoming the norm. Need to remedy this.

I think sai are wicked cool. Need to rethink a few things here, though, mainly the anatomy of his arms and legs. Which is, like, all of him. And by "rethink" I mean "lern 2 draw muscel mans lol." I could definitely take his head further, too. Basically it's just a regular turtle head at this point...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Leonardo Leads

Holy crap, I was ahead of the game this afternoon, but I almost went to bed without posting!

Here's some more Leo. I got his head to where I'm happy with it. A bit of tortoise inspiration, since he's the oldest and wisest, but slouched because he's not super confident. But still, he's the tallest; a natural leader.

Tried some scales on his head...I think I'll save those for Raph.
Smooth and bald for Leo--like a monk.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Went to see the Picasso exhibit at the SAM with my wife tonight. I feel like I'll make enemies if I admit I wasn't impressed, but I gotta be honest. I wasn't. Some of it might have been due to the stuffy audio commentators--most of which I felt amounted to little more than hot air and butt-patting; I'm not interested in your opinion about Picasso's art, I'm interested in learning about Picasso's art. Chuck Close was the only one who sounded like he even knew what he was talking about. ...And some of it might have been due to the fact that Picasso seems to have been a stuck-up perv who slept around on his wife. Not cool, I don't care who you are.

Anyway, I liked his mandolin player and guitarist, and the portrait of his wife sitting in the chair. And the goat sculpture at the end was fun.

Here's some TMNT redesign thoughts. Not sure about Leo's head.

I'm gonna have to start updating in the afternoon, when people are awake, and I have more time to actually draw something. Boy, oh, boy, I'm grouchy and it's past my bedtime. I want some ice cream.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Colored Donnie. Man, should I do all the turtles like this? I really like the direction here...

Fun day with good friends today. Not much time for drawing. And that's okay.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Drawing With Children

First, Donatello. Second, Spongebob Warriorpantses.
Spent some of the evening drawing with my buddy's kids. After I finished Donnie, I asked them what I should draw. They answered "A gun!" (See my TCC on this topic.) Then they amended "A big gun! Spongebob with a gun!"

How could I help but oblige them?
By me:

By Tyler:

So awesome.

Inappropriate Humor

This is so funny, to me. Maybe I should grow up?

Yes, I know I "technically" missed a day. I moved my desk across the house and apparently the internet doesn't come from that side. Comcast is coming to put it there tomorrow. Glad I got my 50' Cat-5. Watch your step, honey.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Gotta loosen up...

TCC: Never Anywhere Else. Period.

For Jason.
(TCC means "Trading Card Comic.")

Tuesday, January 11, 2011